If you are part of the logistic domain, then these stats will definitely make you ask a basic question;Am I optimizing my fleet and do I know whether my fleet is giving me the ROI or is it causing a dent in my balance sheet?
1. Average Annual volume of freight transported to the US: 2,551bn tkm
2. Annual US. light truck sales 9.86 million units
*Statistics for USA
Source: https://www.statista.com/topics/1417/logistics-industry-in-the-us/
Companies invest very heavy in logistics and because there are certain factors which are not in their control (like weather, traffic delays,etc) it becomes even more imperative for them to have better control, clarity and insight into their logisitc division – and specifically their fleet.
Sodales Solutions has been able to pinpoint these pain areas and has developed the industry specific smart analytic “fleet management app” to help customers to:
1. Track and prioritize deliveries, and manage delays
2. Enable better collaboration between transportation provider and customer
3. Provide theft prevention and weather forecasting capabilities
4. Optimize route planning
Watch Sodales demonstrate the fleet management app along with other industry specific smart analytic apps at SAP TechEd in Las Vegas, Nevada.