The moment we mention AFE management, we can easily categorize this into two key elements:
1. Managing the workflow and approval process
2. Cost Control throughout the project
Let us focus on the approval process, which is not a rosy journey for oil drilling companies. We all are aware of how these things span off. It’s a mad rush to the finish line with a whole mess of meetings and important emails and scanning information across folders.
But the fact of the matter is that majority of the companies are finding it difficult to manage this entire process of AFE approvals, which is costing them time and expense. The reason is too much of manual intervention and can move only as fast as the slowest employee for data gathering and completion of approvals.
There is a reason why this approval process is a mandate for oil & gas companies. According to the corporate policies of oil drilling companies, it is required that all Capital and Maintenance projects are approved per the company’s Delegation of Authority policy prior to any commitment of company funds toward completion of the project. This approval must be documented by an authorization of expenditure form (AFE).
However, with companies following the manual process its treading in deep oceans with no horizon in sight. Wouldn’t it be useful if companies could have a tool in place that would fasten the process of request and approvals? That’s where Sodales Solutions comes into picture, with our Approval App designed specifically for the AFE approval process in oil & gas companies.
Built on SAP HANA Cloud platfrom, the AFE approval process can also be extended you your SAP ECC or SAP S4 HANA instance.
Built using SAP Fiori UX tools, the app has very simple and coherent screens allowing users to access the system using any devices. A simplified request form and a very easy approval form are the key design elements of the app from a user experience perspective. This can be seen in the illustrations as mentioned below.
The AFE approval app has been created keeping in mind the users who are either Business Leads or Managers and Accountants in these companies. However, what companies should make a key not here are the key elements of this solution innovation
1. The solution has parameters that can be customized, along with the screen flow as per the type of AFE
2. Guided workflow with DOA levels for operational, capital and managed project
3. No manual or paper requests anymore and this system has the capability to withstand volumes and multiple similar requests at the same time.
Companies achieve faster turn around time of their AFE approval process causing no delay in the project execution and being on top of their project systems
Oil & gas companies who are looking to implement this app to automate their AFE approval process, can reach out to us on +1.641.824.4286 or write to us a sana.salam@sodalessolutions.com
Sodales Solutions Inc is an award winning SAP HANA Cloud Platform Solution Extension Partner. We have developed more than 100 SAP HANA Cloud Platform based packaged apps. We were the first SAP partner to co-develop an S/4 HANA extension app at SAP co-innovation lab.