Over the last 2 years, this has been talk of the town among SAP fraternity. It started with SAP HANA, then they come up with SAP HANA Cloud Platform and now we have SAP Cloud Platform. The question most people have – Is SAP Cloud Platform the same as SAP HANA Cloud Platform? What happened to SAP HANA? Well, it is just a rebranding exercise that SAP did as they saw SAP Cloud Platform getting too much of attention even with “HANA” in the name. Even though SAP HANA still remains the core of SAP Cloud Platform, the new name also brings in some cool features like IoT, Mobility and Hadoop on Cloud. Not to mention that down the line SAP Cloud Platform will be the nucleus for upcoming technologies like SAP Leonardo (SAP’s IoT application portfolio that integrates smart gadgets with people using defined processes) and SAP Clea, a set of Machine Learning applications.
As the name indicates it is an enterprise platform which is marketed as a service with extensive capability to develop enterprise applications. The beauty of SAP Cloud Platform is that it helps customers to achieve immense agility in their business, provide an optimized enterprise experience as a comprehensive integrated solution, catalyze the digital transformation journey, that enterprises have embarked upon. The best part is that all this can be done without investing a dime in on-premise IT infrastructure.Here are some key statistics which should give you a clarity on why you need to go for SAP Cloud Platform:
ver and above these key factors mentioned in the above illustration, the platform offers a wide range of technologies that business customers can leverage upon.
These reasons are strong enough to ensure that you go for SAP Cloud Platform as your next generation computing engine, that also houses Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning tools. Sodales Solutions has developed strong competency in SAP Cloud Platform, developing industry specific analytic solutions, pre-packaged apps and extensions to SAP SuccessFactors and Ariba installed base.
Sodales Solutions is an award-winning SAP Cloud Platform (SCP) solution extension partner. Sodales provides configurable and ready-to-deploy cloud extensions for Unionized Workforce, Health & Safety, Labor Relations, Healthcare Scheduling, Effort Reporting, Grants Management, Performance Management and SAP Ariba business processes. Sodales has referenceable customers across industries and geographies for SCP applications. Sodales has expertise in SCP DBAAS, SCP Mobile Services, WebIDE plug-ins, S/4 HANA extensions, SAP Smart Business Apps, SAP SuccessFactors Extensions and SAP Ariba Extensions.
Talk to our experts and get a complete insight on SAP Cloud Platform and how to harness its power to give you a scalable and flexible solution. Write to us at sana.salam@sodalessolutions.com or call us at +1.647.824.4286