The manufacturing sector comprises a diverse spectrum of producers from biotech to automotive fabrication. Engineers, technicians, and assemblers face the hazards of dealing with heavy equipment, conveyor belts, and explosive liquids. According to The United Kingdom Health and Safety Executive (HSE), in 2013 and 2014, manufacturing accounted for around 10 per cent of deaths in the UK workforce, with about one in five reported non-fatal accidents.
In Canada, according to an analytical report from Statistics Canada, manufacturing revenues hit an all-time peak in 2014, rising 5.3 percent to $621.7 billion. Since the manufacturing industry is so relevant to economies worldwide, it is a moral and legal right to avoid the possibility of injury to the workers.
Sodales EHS software streamlines all safety procedures with a single framework that is readily available, facilitates incident reporting, Site Safety Inspections Checklists and Audits, simplifies unit-wide communication and efficiently improves organizational and safety efficiency with real-time visibility of all operations.
The following are the areas where Sodales EHS delivers greater efficiency for companies in the manufacturing sector by managing risk and retool their facilities.
• Digitization of EHS processes
Automation is an essential requirement for modern manufacturing activities. Hefty fines for missed deadlines or inaccurate reporting is something that any organization wants to prevent. With Sodales EHS software, companies can easily manage the tasks and data collection duties. Each employee knows their responsibilities and is only a few clicks away from filling out for forms, doing the inspection and audits and automatically generate tasks for the designated employee. The supervisor can send the safety warnings, and the device can automatically monitor the sign-offs.
• Site Audit Tools
The intuitive audit implementation helps to remove organizational redundancies and consolidates audit functions within different teams or plants. With Sodales EHS new audit, the user can create a new site audit based upon the various elements to measure for each site. The audit report can measure the non-conformance/conformance score for all the areas, respectively. Finalized Audit Report gives the overall summary for all Audited sections plant-wise. The user can view the audit reports’ status and search them by the plant, year, and auditor.
• Solution Administration
Sodales EHS admin console is where administrators manage rules and can make other changes for people in an organization. This feature allows the admin to set-up rules, manage tables, layout and update the application with any new information.
• Corrective Action Management
Sodales Corrective Actions dashboard simplifies the task, supervision, follow-up, and corrective actions to ensure enforcement and encourage transparency. Through the dashboard, the user can access all corrective actions and the number of open and closed actions. It contains information related to corrective actions, due date, assigned to and status. The supervisor/manager can see their corrective action as well as corrective actions assigned to other person from their plants, respectively.
• Schedule and Calendar Management
The Audit scheduler helps to create and plan audits while minimizing data replication and standardizing the audit templates for all sites and divisions. The user can view previous years’ date of audits for different plants and division wise and can schedule a new audit for all plants for the current year. The user will review the audit completion date and select a new date for the current year’s audit. Once the user initiates the process to conduct an audit at a plant, it triggers an email notification to the respective plant manager.
• Mobility
The easy-to-use app removes the communication barriers among employees at different plants. The app can report accidents and near-misses, perform inspections and audits, delegate, and manage corrective measures right from the mobile device. The employee can use the device camera and voice-to-text-feature to record data faster.
The Manufacturing operations are on-going, and multiple hazards can occur at different times. Manufacturers must integrate EHS software to mitigate risk.
The Solution is built on the SAP Cloud Platform with pre-built integration with SAP SuccessFactors, as well as with third-party systems.
If you would like to learn more about Enterprise Health, Safety & Environment Management (EHSEM) Software best practices for managing safety in the construction environment, please contact us at for a personalized demonstration.
Check us out on the SAP App Center for more details.