We have all heard about the big buzz of mobility within the analytics. Some of us have also been exposed to the enterprise mobile analytics tools such as Mobile BI, dashboards and mobility on HANA. First, let’s revisit the main driver of these trends.
According to the results of an online February 2012 survey by IDG Research Services, there are three major drivers that are shaping the demand for enterprise mobility.
Executive demand faster access to market uncertainties with reports, dashboards, and adhoc analysis tools. Mobile apps for analytics enable this information on the mobile device.
With more companies becoming global, virtual workforce and work from home trends , there is a higher need for enterprise mobility apps.
Employees, customers and partners demand real-time in order to catch problems and uncertainties with enterprise mobile apps.
Let us take a look at the context of mobile analytics within the SAP segment. SAP is the largest ERP software solution provider in the world. SAP offers many analytical and reporting tools such as BI, BOBJ, EPM and Big Data tools etc. The challenge in the past has been that many SAP customers also have non SAP backend systems that required highly custom interface integration for building analytical solutions. With SAP Mobility, you can now seamlessly integrate all of these reporting tools, SAP data feeds and non SAP data feeds – under one centralized, intuitive and user friendly platform. This new platform is your own mobile device(s).
Some of the questions that are most commonly asked are:
To get started, the most important step is to design your mobile strategy. Sodales Solutions has built the capabilities to form your enterprise mobile app strategy where we take a holistic review of your known challenges, processes, people and policies. This alignment process involves joint working sessions with your key stakeholders to execute the following 5 steps.
Step 1: Assess where you are today
Step 2: Define where you want to go
Step 3: Identify the gaps
Step 4: Develop a roadmap to get there
Step 5: Build consensus for your enterprise mobile analytics needs
Let us help you get started.Simply send me a note at sana.salam@sodalessolutions.com I’d be happy to meet you for a FREE one-on-one information session.