Design thinking; What’s in it for Executives?

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April 23, 2016

Faced with growth or development challenges, most managers dive head-first into the search for inventive solutions but the traditional attempts to materialize inspired ideas fall short. Design thinking workshops help them navigate through the business processes step-by-step to understand what and why they actually need in their solution. Executives are enthusiastic about Design Thinking today

Why? Because:

  • Delivers Return on Investment (ROI)
  • Solves ill-defined problems of today and creates growth for the future
  • Modernizes the end-to-end experience of products & services
  • Fosters innovation. Unlocks the creative potential within the organization at all levels
  • Avoids too much documentation and approvals upfront

To learn more Join Us in the session SID #5683

by Sodales Solutions Inc. at Sapphire 2016

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