Delivering legal compliance to preclude class action suits and resolve violations for Utility sector


March 28, 2020

The presence of labor unions changes the entire organization and impacts human resources procedures tremendously. In the absence of unions, HR teams can build organizational policies related to recruitment, promotions, compensation, benefits, disciplines, and termination based upon their research and management’s determination of business needs. Human resources and supervisors interact directly with employees to resolve grievances and performance issues. When workers unionize, management must work through the unions through negotiations and collective bargaining agreements to determine the policies for Wages, Benefits and Working Conditions. The collective bargaining agreements (CBAs) determine for employees to indicate how union dues will be paid. This makes human resources and payroll departments work together to administrator this along with the labor relations teams. Any disputes are resolved through grievances that must be administered through the timelines and rules set by the CBAs.
According to the Bureau of Labor, the utility sector is the second-highest unionized workforce sector. This covers organizations related to electric power, natural gas, steam supply, water supply, and waste removal. The top jobs in this sector include control and valve installer and repairer, electrical engineer, electrical power line installer and repairer, first-line supervisor/manager, and meter reader.

Spire Energy, serves more than 1.7 million customers making us the fifth largest publicly-traded natural gas company in the United States, has recently digitized the labor relations processes with Sodales Labor Relations Software. At Spire, Sodales is not just being used to record and report the case data with workflow. We enable pre-built industry-specific process flows for CBAs and seniority data across cases, incidents, grievances, appeals, job bidding, claims, and bargaining. Using Machine learning and analytical capabilities with organizational hierarchy, the management team can easily improve their corporate procedures & policies.

Case Study (Public Sector Utility)

About Labor Relations Software
The Sodales Labor Relations Software (LRS) provides pre-built standardized process flows for cases, incidents, grievances, disciplines, appeals, and bargaining with full integration with Collective Bargaining Agreement and Policy Rulebooks with a searchable engine. The solution also provides full support for labor conferences, investigations and the investigating officers and deciding officers to see what their due dates are for the investigations and decisions. Also, the Labor Relations team can easily generate legal letters using different types of system templates such as investigation notice, dismissal letter, leniency documents, appeal responses, submissions, award summary, and reinstatement letters.

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