Business continuity is becoming the top priority of CEOs at the moment.
We are seeing more and more of our customers offering volunteer leave programs that allow their employees to participate in volunteer time-off programs over the next 6 months. The goal of these programs is to enhance business continuity and to lead with empathy by providing employees with more flexibility for their work schedules. The programs can be directly enabled within the Sodales EHSEM tool through a fully integrated workflow with core HR and legal correspondence. The programs can be quickly customized by location and by the department as well as job profiles to accommodate changing business needs. The employees can use a self-service portal to volunteer for unpaid leave every month or they can choose to pick a fixed schedule for the next 6 months.
The unpaid time-off leave programs are helping employees to receive minimum salary payments to sustain their living while retaining their current job positions with reduced hours.
The solution is available for contract and full-time employees within the Sodales EHSEM tool with the following key features.
- Ability to design unpaid leave programs (HR and Managers) by location, job profile, organizational hierarchy and timeline.
- Unpaid leave-request tools for employees with auto qualification questionaire list
- Notification engine
- Letters and communication
- Integration with Payroll- salary spread support
- Integration with work schedules
- Integration with organizational hierarchy for approvals
Check us out on the SAP App Center for more details.
For more information, please contact Sodales at for a detailed demonstration.